Saturday, 2 April 2011

The Next Gen

Generation Y born between 1980 to 2000 is the new generation now entering the work place. They are smart, adaptable, energetic, skilled and eager to make their mark. They are confident, ambitious and achievement oriented. At the same time, these young people do things differently and enter the world of employment with great expectations and a culture that are so different from the previous generations.

As a parent of two Gen Y young adults, I have had the privilege and challenge of observing the rising generation up close. Understanding their use of language has taken some adjustment. It is "cool" to say yes; if something is "wicked", that's good; if you want to compliment someone, just tell them their clothes are "sick". LMAO in text messaging and other abbreviations are completely foreign to me. Yet, I still have a lot of admiration for this growing generation.

They are better able to get along in a diverse, global world than any generation that has come before. They grew up with friends and neighbours from all over the world speaking many different languages.They believe everyone should have their place at the table regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation - or age.  They don't care about hierarchy and years of experience. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. They are loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.

The new generation of employees is well-educated and technologically savvy. There's a logical reason for this. Gen Y grew up with digital technology - most importantly, the Internet. They believe they can learn whatever they need to know very quickly. They are impatient to start applying what they know and they're not terribly concerned about what they don't know. They also understand that how things get done will constantly change. They don't care how things "were" done, but are able to anticipate and adjust to how things "will be" done. They have high expectations of employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to question authority. They want meaningful work and a solid learning curve.

Generation Y is poised to make a big impact on the world. For one thing, there are a lot of them. They have already transformed global entertainment (You Tube, iTunes, video games). and communication (cell phones, text messaging). Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Gen Y stays plugged in.

Business and how work gets done is next. We need to be prepared for the task of engaging, inspiring and productively channeling the energies of the Next Gen.


  1. I have a couple of those at home and can relate to these observations. Keep writing. Enjoy reading these.

  2. Good post. Write another on India!

  3. Good post. Write another on India!

  4. Nice article about the next generation Indians!!

  5. I particularly liked the "they are not concerned about what they don't know". I love reading these! You should write a book!


  6. Savithri,

    I had no idea you were such a beautiful writer. I mean, obviously, we work together. I know you could write… but truly beautiful writing. I quite enjoyed reading your entries. Write more!
