As a child, my daughter was a delight and now as an adult she is very very special. My daughter was born in Chennai 24 years ago and I can still vividly remember holding her close to my bosom, rocking her gently and looking down at the most beautiful baby. The various phases of her life through childhood, kindergarten, high school, university and work flashes through like a slide show and it all seems to have just happened yesterday. Just goes to show, when you enjoy something, time flies. I think back with fondness and wish I could have spent more time with her.
Now that she is 24 years old, I can already see that she is trying to break her wings and fly away. There is a tug in my heart which seems to hold on to each and every precious moment with her and not want to let her go. I should learn to not let go of the things that helped me learn and grow with her.
I think back with fondness and wish I could have spent more time with her. I want to savour every moment so I could cherish and hold on to the wonderful memories when she leaves our home. I have taken our time together for granted and now desperately trying to hold on to the measly moments that gets thrown my way.
Jaanu, here's a poem dedicated to you -
I was busy through the day;
I didn't take the time to be there
I cleaned the house, I'd iron and cook,
but, when you wanted to go out
Instead I'd say to you,
"I have too much to do".
I'd come to kiss you good night;
And when I came to say good bye in the morning
And you wanted a hug, I wish I didn't say,
"that would wake you up".
Life's much too short;
I should have stayed a minute more.
My little girl grew up so fast,
With no time for me to give her all she wants
I wish I could go back and do,
All the things you asked me to,
I wish, I wish, I wish to be there
Always for you.